Monday, August 25, 2014

Best Book You've Never Read

In 2004, I was browsing the New Release shelf at my local B&N and came across a very odd title: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. While the premise seemed promising, the manner in which the story came about was what sold me.

The author, Susanna Clarke, had never written a novel prior to this, but had spent many, many years crafting this story. Ten years. I won't go into detail, but you can find out more at Susanna Clarke's Wiki. I'm sharing this with you today for a very special reason--BBC America is making the book into a mini-series.

This isn't new-news. They announced the production in 2013. I'm telling you about it now because it is going to hit television screens here in 2014 (the exact date isn't public, yet) and it is going to be huge.

I never read the Harry Potter books, they didn't really appeal to me, though the films did. But when I read (and re-read) Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, I believe I felt something similar to what readers felt as they entered the Magical World of Harry.

Ms. Clarke created a vivid world of conflict; nineteenth century England where the practice of magic is no longer tolerated but studied. Magic's influence, however, remains present and is magnificently re-introduced to a rapt and welcoming populace. What follows is an alternate history of the UK where magic and mystery effect the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars and lives of several innocent bystanders.

It won Time's Best Novel of the Year, as well as the Hugo. The Hugo! But many people have never heard of it. I feel like that is about to change.

If you are at all like me, you will want to read the book before you see the show, and trust me, you will want to see the show. So get started--it's not a quick read but worth every minute.

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